Thursday, April 30, 2015

5 Ways Air Pollution is Destroying Your Health

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5 Ways Air Pollution is Destroying Your Health

Published April 29, 2015


You probably already know about some of the dangers that severe air pollution exposure can cause and how places like stoplights at intersections can increase a person's exposure to harmful air particles up to 29 times more than being on the open road. While these facts are definitely startling, you probably don't know about the almost invisible dangers. [1] Numerous diseases and cognitive issues are now being linked with air pollution exposure, and this article is meant to educate you on five ways you're letting air pollution destroy your health. You can still protect yourself from something as ubiquitous as air pollution!

The Hidden Dangers of Air Pollution

As we slowly start to practice more sustainable forms of agriculture and industry, we are creating a better environment for our world. Air pollution will remain, however, contributing to chronic health concerns that seem entirely unrelated to poor environment. That's where prevention kicks in. Here are some of the ways air pollution is destroying health.

1. Air Pollution and Suicide Link

It may seem innocuous to think that air pollution could lead to something as serious as suicide, but studies in Taiwan, South Korea, China, and now Utah suggest a link between the two. Not only is suicide the 10th leading cause of death in the US, it is the number 8th cause of death in Utah. [2] Obviously, there are many factors that must be considered when discussing causes of suicide; however, suicide rates increased in Utah during the spring and fall (a time when certain aspects of air pollution can be worse). Being conscious of this connection is another step in protecting your mental and physical health.

2. Air Pollution Slows Cognition in Schoolchildren

We all know that air pollution can exacerbate symptoms of asthma and other respiratory-related illnesses and diseases, but did you also know that it can affect neurodevelopmental aspects of humans, too? Dr. Jordi Sunyer did a study to see just how affected schoolchildren are by air pollution (specifically traffic pollution). The study concluded that children who attended schools in polluted areas showed overall slower cognition in comparison to those who attended schools in areas with less traffic pollution. "The associations between slower cognitive development and higher levels of air pollutants remained after the researchers took factors such as parents' education, commuting time, smoking in the home and green spaces at school into account." [3] The best way to fight this is to stop idling. It may seem like an insignificant action, but by turning off your engine, you could be helping a young student's neurodevelopment!

3. Air Pollution Risks Health of Frequent Flyers

Those who fly frequently (especially pilots or other airline staff) could potentially be more at risk for certain issues due to the amount of air pollution to which they expose themselves. This has been dubbed "aerotoxic syndrome." Most planes have a mechanism that compresses air from the engines and uses that as air in the cabin, but sometimes, these mechanisms malfunction and allow oil particles to taint the cabin air. Many airline employees have mentioned this, but one pilot, Richard Westgate, passed away in 2012 after claiming to be a victim of poisonous and toxic cabin fumes. [4] Whether you fly many times through the year for business or if you are, yourself, a pilot, take extra care in making sure the air you breathe in a plane cabin isn't putting you at risk for premature death.

4. Air Pollution Contributed by Cremations

With land for burials becoming more scarce (and also more expensive), many people turn to cremation as an alternate form of honoring the body of a loved one who has passed on. The unfortunate side effect of cremation is mercury emissions. Only one country has a mercury emissions limit while all others in the EU allow these emissions to go unchecked. [5] Honoring a fallen loved one should not come at the price of endangering yourself and others, but there are alternatives such as alkaline hydrolysis or "liquid cremation" that are far healthier for the environment and for you.

5. Air Pollution and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cases of autism and other related disorders have been on the rise for some time now, but air pollution may be a contributing factor in the rise to these life-altering neurodevelopmental disorders. As with any neurodevelopmental disorder, an ASD is always a combination of genetics and environment, but are you endangering your unborn child without knowing it? Several reports noted a link between exposure to heavy metals and other pollutants in children who were more at risk to develop an ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Other studies focused on pregnant women and how closely they lived to freeways and other sources of heavy pollution. All of the studies found similar exposures to a handful of particular pollutants that seemed to increase the risk of autism in newborns. [6]

Air Pollution: No Simple Solution

It's difficult in this day and age to come close to removing any kind of air pollution from your life, unfortunately, but there is a way that you can better monitor the amount and types of air pollution you are exposing yourself to on a daily basis. You can keep abreast with local news about your city or even check in on a Breathe Cam. [7] Keep plants inside your home to help remove harmful pollutants and substances and, for all of you parents out there, keep in mind that cleaner air is one of the best things for the development of your children (both mentally and physically). [8] [9]

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Baggaley, Kate. Stoplights are hotspots for air pollution. Science News. 2015.
  2. Pappas, Stephanie. Utah suicides linked to air pollution. Live Science. 2015.
  3. CBC News. Traffic pollution tied to slower cognition in schoolchildren. CBC News. 2015.
  4. Campbell, Jaime. Toxic fumes in plane cabin's pose health risks to frequent flyers, says coroner. 2015.
  5. Lewis, Barbara. EU should curb mercury emissions from cremations, campaigners say. Reuters. 2015.
  6. Arnold, Carrie. Air pollution and ASDs: Homing in on an environmental risk factor. EHP. 2015.
  7. Keane, Jonathan. Keep an eye on your city's pollution in real time. New Scientist. 2015.
  8. Barboza, Tony. Cleaner air is linked to stronger lungs in Southern California children. LA Times. 2015.
  9. Kinzler, Don. NASA Study: Houseplants remove harmful substances from indoors. Duluth News Tribute. 2015.

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4 Sources of Arsenic You'd Never Expect
8 Risk Factors for Autism
Tell Nestlé to Stop Illegal Water Drilling
4 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes
4 Terrible Facts About Energy Drinks

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4 Sources of Arsenic You’d Never Expect

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4 Sources of Arsenic You'd Never Expect

Published April 28, 2015


If you're a fan of classic murder mysteries, chances are you know how deadly arsenic can be. There are two forms of this heavy metal that we need to worry about: organic and inorganic. Now, organic arsenic is completely different than the organic label on food. In arsenic, it simply refers to the presence of carbon. It's also seen as the lesser of two evils. "Inorganic" arsenic, though, is nasty stuff, with lots of health concerns attached to it. [1]

Crazy Sources of Arsenic

Whether you know it or not, you could be exposing yourself to arsenic on a daily basis. Fortunately for us, we aren't ingesting this toxin at dangerous levels; however, an accumulation of any toxic compound may cause issues in the long term. Any form of arsenic is dangerous, and here are 4 sources you'd never expect.

1. Baby Formula

Arsenic is bad news for all, but babies are especially vulnerable. Did you know that exposure to arsenic early in life could even lead to higher risk of death, lower birth weight, and lower IQ? [2] Believe it or not, baby formula can even contain low levels of arsenic. A better solution is breastfeeding since it could offer protection from arsenic exposure even if women have come into contact with high levels.

2. Old Toys

Saving your childhood toys just for your little one seems like a lovely gesture, but it could be doing more harm than good. Plastic toys from the 70s and 80s have been shown to contain toxic levels of heavy metals that exceed concentration limits set by the US and Europe. [3] And while some newer toys—mainly imports—could contain heavy metals, remember that older toys, even those made in America, are not subjected to importation regulations.

3. Rice

A recent Consumer Reports study suggests the extremely toxic inorganic arsenic can get into water and soil from lead-arsenate insecticides. From there, rice can absorb that toxin like a sponge. While these insecticides were banned from the US in the 80s, residue still lingers. [4] Long-term exposure to any arsenic can cause cancer, and studies even suggest some rice products already exceed the current arsenic limits for children. [5]

4. Drinking Water

One of our most precious resources–our water–can even be polluted with arsenic. While the EPA sets a threshold for maximum exposure in public drinking water–not the most comforting thought—private well water isn't regulated at all. [6] [7] If you're formula feeding your baby like I mentioned in my first point, arsenic in the drinking water can be especially problematic. One recent report suggests an infant's arsenic levels from baby formula mixed with the drinking water could be 7.5 times higher than a breastfed baby.

One Final Thought

While avoiding arsenic altogether might be unrealistic, you can make a difference in your life when it comes to exposure. So, for all the new and expecting mothers out there, remember: while breastfeeding is the best solution for your baby, if you have to formula-feed, make sure you know what's in your drinking water. Any dose of arsenic is going to be bad: at low doses, it can still be an endocrine disruptor for babies, kids, and adults. Keep in mind that arsenic also occurs naturally in many foods. Apple seeds being a prime example. So, you don't have to go crazy; just eliminate man-made foods and products as much as possible to ensure a healthier environment for you and those you love.

What would you do to avoid arsenic exposure? Tell us in the comments.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Institute of Food Technologists. Should arsenic in food be a concern? ScienceDaily.
  2. Karaga M. et al. Estimated Exposure to Arsenic in Breastfed and Formula-Fed Infants in a United States Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives.
  3. Miller, G. Z. & Harris, Z. E. Hazardous Metals in Vintage Plastic Toys Measured by a Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer. Journal of Environmental Health. 77 (6).
  4. Consumer Reports. Arsenic in Your Food. Consumer Reports.
  5. Chen, C. J. et al. Cancer potential in liver, lung, bladder and kidney due to ingested inorganic arsenic in drinking water. British Journal of Cancer. 66 (5).
  6. Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Many US wells tainted with arsenic. ScienceDaily.
  7. Environmental Protection Agency. Arsenic in Drinking Water. Environmental Protection Agency.

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8 Risk Factors for Autism
Tell Nestlé to Stop Illegal Water Drilling
4 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes
4 Terrible Facts About Energy Drinks
4 Reasons to Get Sugar Out of Your Life

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

7 Risk Factors for Autism

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7 Risk Factors for Autism

Published April 27, 2015


Many people are aware that the number of cases of autism has been rising over the last few decades, but everyone is still fairly in the dark when it comes to knowing what puts unborn children at increased risk of developing the disorder. In order to better avoid this debilitating neurodevelopment disorder, it is wise to look at the compounding factors that have been strongly associated with increased autism risk.

Risk Factors for Autism

With a staggering statistic of 10 – 15% of all babies being born with some kind of neurodevelopment disorder, it's no wonder we're seeing autism as a looming epidemic. [1] The following 7 risk factors include both avoidable and sometimes unavoidable issues; but, the first step to protecting your unborn children is to be informed.

1. Mycotoxins

"Mycotoxins" isn't a term many of us are familiar with yet, but there have been numerous studies on just what these substances are and how they can affect both animals and humans. The latest study which tested American breakfast cereals links mycotoxins found in the food to autism and also puts males at a higher risk for the disorder. [2] [3] So, what is this potential risk factor? Mycotoxins are mold by products found mostly in grains, coffee, wine, and pork. Even though many studies have been conducted over the years, the ballot is still out on the long term effects of mycotoxins. That doesn't mean that mycotoxins aren't a problem, just that they're something you need to look out for.

2. C-Sections

A new study has stated that babies born via cesarean section rather than more traditional methods have a 23% increased chance of developing autism-related neurodevelopment disorders. [4] This statistic is especially important because of the fact almost one in three babies is born using this method in the United States. The reason why the study has sparked so much controversy is because many people believe that the increased risk can be attributed to babies born by C-Section are being delivered before their due date. On a similar note, medically-induced labor can also increase risk factors for autism spectrum disorders. [5] Even a few weeks can deeply affect a baby's development, so it is vitally important for every new mother to consider every birthing option before committing to a C-Section.

3. Maternal Antibodies

An unfortunate risk factor for unborn children developing neurodevelopment disorders is something our own bodies create: maternal antibodies. These autoantibodies bind themselves to proteins that affect cognition and other neurological-related aspects of fetal development. As early as 2008, studies linked these autoantibodies to autism, and other studies have consistently found these types of antibodies in children with autism. [6] Scientists say that the next step is to figure out how to separate these antibodies and prevent them from affecting developmental proteins.

4. Placenta Abnormalities

A new study showed that placentas with abnormal structures were prevalent in children who had neurodevelopment issues like autism. Though most agree that it is too early to say that the presence of these structures is a direct cause of autism, many hope that it will become a routine procedure to check for any placental abnormalities at birth in order to help predict whether or not any child will have neurodevelopment disorders. Early intervention could be a crucial step in aiding a child with an autism spectrum disorder. The study also suggests that the placental abnormalities have genetic roots as to the cause. [7]

5. Smoking

Everyone knows the plethora of health issues and diseases that smoking tobacco products can lead to, such as respiratory issues, cancer, and more, but did you know that smoking while pregnant can also lead to autism in children? Women who choose to smoke while pregnant have an increased chance of birthing a child with Asperger's (an autism spectrum disorder). [8] Though there is no direct link between smoking and autism, there is strong evidence for the link between smoking and Asperger's, which is just another reason not to smoke while pregnant.

6. Air Pollution

Even though we know that air pollution can affect asthma and even the size of organs over time, new evidence suggests that certain particles can also lead to increased risks for autism. [9] Specialists do remain hopeful about this development, however. By reducing air pollution indoors and doing our part to help reduce outdoor air pollution as well, we may contribute to an overall healthier society.

7. Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are something I talk a lot about because they're so prevalent and so harmful. Now, new research has found that males are four times more likely than females to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, which leads many specialists to believe that these disorders are hormone related. [10] This is where endocrine disruptors come into play. Endocrine disruptors can affect chemicals that are vital to the thyroid and other aspects of development.

One Final Thought

In order to protect the ones you love from developing autism, there may be positive steps you can take. Whether it's avoiding endocrine disruptors or maintaining a cleaner environment in your home's air quality, do what you can.

What are your thoughts about certain factors that affect autism development? Do you have a story to share? Please tell us in the comments!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Grossman, Elizabeth. What Are We Doing to Our Children's Brains? ENSIA. 2015.
  2. Ryu, Dojin and Hyun Jung Lee. Significance of Ochratoxin A in Breakfast Cereals from the United States. American Chemical Society. 2015.
  3. Joiner, James. Are Mycotoxins the New Gluten? The Daily Beast. 2015.
  4. Hochwald, Lambeth. C-section May Up Your Baby's Risk of Autism, Study Says. Yahoo! Parenting. 2014.
  5. Seaman, M. Andrew. Inducing, Augmenting Labor May be Tied to Autism. Reuters. 2013.
  6. Yong, Ed. Maternal Antibodies Linked to Autism. The Scientist. 2013.
  7. Rowan, Karen. Autism Linked to Placenta Abnormalities. My Health News Daily. 2013.
  8. Daily Mail. Women Who Smoke During Pregnancy 'May Be More Likely to Have a Child with Asperger's Syndrome'. Daily Mail. 2012.
  9. Harvard School of Public Health. Fine Particulate Air Pollution Linked with Increased Autism Risk. Harvard College. 2014.
  10. Betts, Kellyn S. Clues to Autistic Behaviors: Exploring the Role of Endocrine Disruptors. EHP. 2014.

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Tell Nestlé to Stop Illegal Water Drilling
5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes
4 Terrible Facts About Energy Drinks
4 Reasons to Get Sugar Out of Your Life
What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Another one bites the dust!

I woke up to some wonderful breaking news today: Chipotle will no longer serve GMO ingredients.

This all started with you back in 2012 when it was first revealed that Chipotle's food contained GMOs during an investigation into their food, that you shared so passionately with your friends and family.

That sharing, led to Chipotle finally listing their ingredients on their website for the first time in history.

Transparency is an important prerequisite to change.

Thank you for making history!

Back then, the Food Babe Army was much smaller than it is now but just look at the tidal wave of change you have brought….

This is a tipping point. Companies are changing faster than ever. They are listening to us because when we come together to share this message we are unstoppable.

In other news, I've got a new post for you about an ingredient that was snuck into our food after the FDA said it was unsafe. If you have allergies to food, this ingredient could be very dangerous.

Read the post here.

Please remember – spreading the word is the fastest way to raise awareness and change this broken system.










P.O. Box 31521 Charlotte, NC 28231

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tell Nestlé to Stop Illegal Water Drilling

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Tell Nestlé to Stop Illegal Water Drilling

Published April 25, 2015


A recent investigative report published in the Desert Sun newspaper is showing that NestlĂ©, one of the largest food businesses in the world, has been illegally pumping water from a Southern California national forest for 27 years. The company’s permit expired in 1988, yet it continues to extract water from the drought-stricken area, placing profits over environment again and again.

What You Can Do

California’s water crisis is by no means an insignificant matter; it’s devastating wildlife and contributing to lower crop yields. NestlĂ©, however, continues to derive water from one of California’s national forests, selling their final product for over thousands times the price. If you’ve been following me for awhile, you probably know how I feel about bottled water. For some reason, the U.S. Forest Service turns a blind eye, and it’s up to us to push for a change.

You have the opportunity to tell the U.S. Forest Service stop NestlĂ©’s illegal water extraction by signing this petition. When you click the hyperlink, you will be taken to a petition that will allow you to add your voice and concerns over this matter. You can also copy and paste this link into your browser’s browser’s bar:

Thank you for lending your voice to this important matter! Just by signing, you are helping to support the environment that you depend on every day for your water and food, not to mention your overall survival. I will continue providing these opportunities for you to participate in making this world a healthier place. If you have any comments or suggestions about other crucial matters that require public attention, please add them here in the comments!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

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5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes
4 Terrible Facts About Energy Drinks
4 Reasons to Get Sugar Out of Your Life
What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
The 4 Most Disturbing Facts about ADHD

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

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5 Things You Should Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

Published April 24, 2015


If you have type 2 diabetes, you already know your blood sugar levels can get too high. Your body develops a problem called insulin resistance where it doesn't use insulin normally. While your pancreas can create insulin to offset the issue, that only works so well. And while the rate of diabetes seems to be levelling off in the U.S., this is still a very serious issue. [1] If you have type 2 diabetes, here are some things you should really know (and do).

1. Get Mental Health Coaching

For those living with type 2 diabetes, depression is more common than you think. Depression is a serious issue that can interfere with the ability of people to take care of themselves, reducing the motivation to exercise, eat healthy, or even take medications. [2] Many times, these things are crucial to managing the disease. That's why mental health coaching can be so important; it could not only help with depression, but also reduce blood sugar levels. Your body and mind will thank you!

2. Eat a Better Diet

Another easy thing you can do is change your eating habits. A recent study suggests eating better over time—choosing more fruits and vegetables or eating whole grains, for example—could reduce your chances for Type 2 diabetes by about 20 percent. [3] No idea where to start? Here are some diet choices you might like, but remember to always talk with your doctor before making any changes—especially if you're taking medication or insulin:

Since diabetes is associated with carbohydrate intolerance, a low carb diet could be a great option for reducing blood sugar and lowering the risk for heart disease. [4] Some evidence suggests lowering your salt to lower your risk for heart disease by half. [5] Unless you're a vegan, eating more eggs could be a great way to lower your risk for type 2 diabetes. [6] Adding beneficial herbs like rosemary and oregano to your meals could work in much the same way as medications used to control blood sugar. [7]

3. Exercise

When a person already has type 2 diabetes, excess sugars and fats in the blood make cardiovascular risks higher. While exercise has always been a popular common-sense prescription, one study suggests exercise might be most effective after a meal. [8] But it's not just adults that can benefit, of course! Why not take time as a family for some after-dinner exercise? And kids should also think about putting down those digital distractions, too. One study suggests "heavy use of electronic media […] especially watching too much TV and videos, was linked to higher levels of (cardiovascular and type 2 diabetes) risk factors in children." [9]

4. Reduce Your Stress Levels

Are you facing lots of deadlines at work? Workplace stress could even be a factor for type 2 diabetes. For the first time, researchers have found a possible connection between the two with the latest study suggesting people under high stress levels at work are almost 45 percent more likely to develop type 2. [10] Looking into meditation can be a great help.

One Final Thought

Remember, you can make changes in your life to get your type 2 diabetes under control, but act now to protect your overall health! One study suggests people with type 2 could perform worse on "cognitive tests measuring abilities involved in the control of emotions, behaviors and thought." [11] Another comments "women with diabetes may be predisposed to more advanced stage breast cancer." [12]

So what do you do for your type 2 diabetes? Tell us about it in the comments.

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Geiss, L. S. et al. Prevalence and Incidence Trends for Diagnosed Diabetes Among Adults Aged 20 to 79 Years, United States, 1980-2012. JAMA. 312 (12).
  2. American Association of Diabetes Educators. Mental health coaching improves outcomes for people with diabetes, depression. ScienceDaily.
  3. American Diabetes Association. Improving diet quality reduces risk for type 2 diabetes. ScienceDaily.
  4. Feinman, R. D. et al. Dietary Carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management. Critical review and evidence base. Nutrition. 31 (1).
  5. Horiakwa, C. et al. Dietary Sodium Intake and Incidence of Diabetes Complications in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes – Analysis of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study (JDCS). The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 99 (10).
  6. Virtanen J. K. et al. Egg consumption and risk of incident type 2 diabetes in men: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  7. Bower, A. L. et al. Bioactive Compounds from Culinary Herbs Inhibit a Molecular Target for Type 2 Diabetes Management, Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62 (26).
  8. Heden, T. D. et al. Post-dinner resistance exercise improves postprandial risk factors more effectively than pre-dinner resistance exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Applied Physiology. 118 (5).
  9. Väistö, J. et al. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in relation to cardiometabolic risk in children: cross-sectional findings from the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) Study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 11 (1).
  10. Huth, C. et al. ob Strain as a Risk Factor for the Onset of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Findings From the MONICA/KORA Augsburg Cohort Study. Psychosomatic Medicine. 76 (7).
  11. Corita, V. & Hall, P. A. Executive Function in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychosomatic Medicine.
  12. Lipscombe, L. L. et al. The association between diabetes and breast cancer stage at diagnosis: A population-based study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.

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What is Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?
The 4 Most Disturbing Facts about ADHD
3 Reasons Healthy Gut Flora are Important

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